Flagship programs
Flagship Programs
UNITED WAY BENGALURU: An NGO Dedicated to working on gender sensitization projects
A lack of understanding about gender leads to unfair access to resources and opportunities, especially for women and other neglected genders. United Way Bengaluru actively engages in gender sensitization programs that aim to reinforce the right mindset among individuals.
The Gendher campaign focuses on increasing awareness about gender sensitivity in government-run educational institutions across India.
To empower teachers and students by providing knowledge on sexual and reproductive health, gender sensitivity and inclusion, transforming schools into safe spaces with support systems to consistently practice the acquired knowledge.
To create a cadre of 10000 teachers as GENDHER champions in government-aided schools by 2026 along with delivering key messages on reproductive health and gender sensitivity to 4 lakh students in Karnataka by 2024
SDG Goals Aligned With
Other schemes gendher campaign aligns with
National Education Policy
School Health Programme Under Ayushman Bharat Nishtha
Adolescence Education Programme Under National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT)
National Education Policy
Adolescence Education Programme Under National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT)
School Health Programme Under Ayushman Bharat Nishtha
Pillars of the campaign
Focusing on Conducting Behavioral change communication
Educating on health and gender sensitivity.
Enhancing Teacher Capacity
Building capacity of teachers to deliver gender sensitive messages to students
Employing Effective Strategies
Strategizing and implementing those strategies in the teaching process with help of relevant stakeholders.
Building Resources
Constructing WASH facilities, refurbishing infrastructure, including collaterals & implementing information, education and communication strategies.
Impact Between 2022 and 2023
57 government
schools reached
205 student beneficiaries
406 teachers
57 government
schools reached
205 student beneficiaries
406 teachers
Best NGO supporting Gender sensitization programs
United Way Bengaluru supports gender sensitization programs through educational initiatives designed to increase awareness and understand the challenges related to gender roles, identities, and expressions.
We offer training and mentorship to teachers to challenge stereotypes, foster equality, and establish an inclusive environment where all genders are respected and appreciated.
United Way Bengaluru takes up transgender projects to address the distinct needs, rights, and challenges encountered by transgender individuals to foster a more inclusive society and provide resources for the transgender community, promoting acceptance and equality.
United Way Bengaluru trains school teachers on how to handle teenage issues related to gender identity and expression. These initiatives help create a safe space and assist teachers in handling conversations around puberty, sexuality and gender diversity sensitively. This creates a supportive environment for teenagers to explore and understand their identities without fear of judgment or discrimination.